More Green and Just Resources

Jewish Resources for Green and Just Purchasing

Booklet Caring for the Cycle of Life: Creating Environmentally Sound Life-Cycle Celebrations by Mark X. Jacobs (The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life,

Website Fair Trade Judaica by Ilana Schatz & David Lingren:

Booklet Food for Thought, Hazon’s 130-page Sourcebook on Jews, Food, and Contemporary Life, offers traditional Jewish texts and contemporary Jewish and non-Jewish texts along with discussion questions and activity suggestions (Nigel Savage & Anna Stevenson, Hazon,

Website Green Mitzvot has tools to help you plan an eco-friendly bar or bat mitzvah:

Website Hazon’s Food Guide offers resources and ideas about how to make your food choices sustainable and good for the environment (Hazon,

Article “Simplicity as a Jewish Path” in Reconstructionism Today by Rabbi Moti Rieber & Betsy Platkin Teutsch (Winter 2002/2003: Jewish Reconstructionist Federation)

Book Jews, Money, and Social Responsibility: Developing a “Torah of Money” for Contemporary Life by Lawrence Bush & Jeffrey Dekro (1993: The Shefa Fund).

Booklet No Shvitz: Your One Stop Guide to Fighting Sweatshops
(Progressive Jewish Alliance,

Resources for Greener Purchasing, Socially Responsible Investing, and Simpler Living

Website Los EcoAmigos: The Bilingual Green Guide to Sustainable Living Practices, offering bilingual (English/Spanish) environmental services including education, translation, and green consulting,

Booklet Dining With Justice 2010: A Guide to Guilt Free Eating.  A bilingual (English/Spanish) guide to socially responsible restaurants in San Francisco, highlighting establishments that follow labor las and treat their employees with dignity and respect (Young Workers United,

Directory National Green Pages™ (2009: Green America) Search free at, 800.58.GREEN.

Booklet Guide to Ending Sweatshops (2008: Green America) Free download from, or order at [email protected], or call 800.58.GREEN.

Booklet Guide to Fair Trade (2009: Green America) Free download from, or order at [email protected], or call 800.58.GREEN.

Booklet Guide to Socially Responsible Investing (2000: Green America)
Order from [email protected], or call 800.58.GREEN.

Booklet Tips for Parenting in a Commercial Culture (Revised edition 2006: Center for a
New American Dream) Free download from

Book What Kids Really Want That Money Can’t Buy: Tips for Parenting in a Commercial Culture, by Betsy Taylor (Center for a New American Dream) $14 from