Topping Things Off: Kippot/Head Coverings

Guests at Jewish celebrations sometimes bring their own kippot (skullcaps) to wear, or borrow those provided by the synagogue or temple where the event is held.
 In the Bay Area, Jewish Milestones, (510.559.3636), has kippot (and other Jewish ritual objects) to lend.

Some Jewish families choose to offer color-coordinated or personalized kippot for all of their guests, or just for the couple, wedding party or close family members. Consider purchasing kippot that reflect Jewish values: 

Choose union-made kippot
Support manufacturers where workers have a voice on the job, pay and benefits are equitable, and respect and dignity is mandated. Born of a collaboration between PJA and the Jewish founders of Justice Clothing and Unionwear, the Union Made Kippot online store, (888.661.0620), offers six-panel kippot in a variety of materials including organic cotton, with optional personalized embroidery. Or, dream up your own design for a bulk purchase with a variety of colors, linings, and fabrics.

Choose Fair Trade kippot
MayaWorks, (312.243.8050), is a cooperative of Guatemalan women artisans who use proceeds from their handmade crafts to improve their lives and their community. Purchase beautiful multi-colored kippot, or plan a custom order, from MayaWorks.

Mayan Hands, (301.515.5911), is a fair trade organization working with approximately 200 weavers, organized in groups of 12 to 50 women, living in eleven different communities around the highlands of Guatemala. Selling their handwoven textiles at a fair price, the women can count on a regular income that enables their families to eat better, send their children to school, improve their homes and even save a little.

Fair Trade kippot from the Ikamva Labantu cooperative in South Africa can be ordered through Global Goods Partners:

If ordering from you local Judaica store, be sure to ask if they carry or can order kippot that are union made and/or
Fair Trade Certified™.

Woven Ethiopian Arts Vision
(WEAV) Africa (949.715.0205) provides Ethiopian artisans with a living wage for handwoven kippot and donates the proceeds to anti-poverty organizations in African communities.

Choose kippot made by international Jewish communities
For kippot made by the Abayudaya community in Uganda, and the Bnai Menashe community which has emigrated from India to Israel, shop at the Kulanu Boutique, (212.877.8082).

For kippot made by Manos Bendichas, a Bulgarian Jewish women’s cooperative: [email protected], 359.2.986.78.96.

For kippot made by Ethiopian Jews living in Israel:, [email protected].

“Rabbi Honah ben Joshua never walked four cubits without a covering on his
head. He explained: ‘Because the Divine Presence is always over my head!’”
--Talmud Kiddushin 31a

“We used ‘reused’ kippot. We asked folks to scrounge in pockets and closets and tallit bags, and to bring them for others’ use at our wedding. There are already enough kippot out there ...”
—Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb & Minna Scherlinder Morse, Tenleytown
“We ordered kippot for our older daughter’s bat mitzvah from MayaWorks. Though more expensive than typical satin kippot, we felt really good about this mitzvah — and the kippot are unique, colorful, and lovely!” 312.243.8050
—Barb Richman, Bethesda
“We ‘recycled’ kippot from other celebrations. We basically collected kippot from bar mitzvahs, other weddings, etc. rather than having kippot made for our celebration.” – Natalie Stern, Rockridge

Have suggestions? Real-life stories using these or other ideas? Please share them with us for future versions of the Guide!